马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)的轿车多伦多1855年

马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)的轿车(多伦多,1855年)


马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)的轿车(1856)立即跳出。On the first page of the menu, I noticed that this was a Toronto saloon and during this time period Toronto wasn’t really known for drinks, and only had a population of 30,000 people and this menu was published 7 years before Jerry Thomas’ book.

The menu is in great shape, and the mixed drink list is substantial, and progressive, compared to anything else in the 1850s, and it has interesting names for drinks, like the Omar Pasha Cocktail, Hen Fruit Cobler, Young Canadian Punch, Ladies’ Fancy Fix, Chochin China Smash and Dr. Green’s Anti-Dyspeptic Bitters. Reading the menu, you can see there was a passion for drinks. David Wondrich has a few paragraphs on this menu in his book吸收也是。

At first, I wasn’t sure if the 1856 date (hand-written on the menu) was legit, the menu looked more modern than the 1850s, so I did some research because taking something from the Internet at face value isn’t always wise.

马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)’s Saloon did exist at that time and was open in the summer of 1855 as a saloon and billiards hall, it operated for roughly 4 years and was closed around July 1859 and offered for lease by the owner of the building, one John Hutchison who owned Hutchison & Company. The menu, nor the newspaper advertisement give the exact address, only Wellington Street which stretches for over 3 kilometres. That is a lot of space. But, using a few research tools, I managed to locate the location of the Mart Ackerman saloon.

Mart Ackerman Saloon AD 1855

马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)


Ackerman Saloon开放
在这座城市快速发展的许多证据中,我们注意到在新交易所以东大楼的惠灵顿街上的新轿车。我们认为,这座建筑是Hutchison&Co。的John Hutchison先生的财产,并以优雅的方式适合。大理石桌子和板特别有吸引力 - 整个布置看起来是最完整的。阿克曼先生决心既不付出痛苦,也不要花钱使自己的轿车成为时尚的度假胜地。

Lennox Lane之谜

Omnibus所有人Elias A. Jones - 周六晚上十点钟,我与侦探官卡彭特先生陪伴。当对面的阿克曼(Ackerman)的轿车对面时,我们听到有人叫“哦!哦!”。哭声似乎来自教堂和科尔本街的拐角处。当我听到我听的哭声时,我听到了一些誓言,表达了“给他”。[原文如此]卡彭特先生说:“那是一排,所以我们跑到教堂和惠灵顿街的拐角处。在朝着科尔本街的方向看时,我们看到一些人在街道的西侧猛撞了一扇门。两个或三个人,其中一个穿着浅色外套,从该地方走上街道。然后,我和卡彭特先生回到了阿克曼。当我们到达教堂街时,一切都还在。

拥有所有这些信息,我可以将我们指向阿克曼(Ackerman)所在的街区,它位于斯科特街(Scott Street)和交易所以东的Leader Lane之间的惠灵顿街(Wellington Street)北侧。我的猜测是惠灵顿街26号。而且,如果您在教堂街上的地图上向南看,您会看到Rorst&Company Distillery的位置。



杰里·托马斯(Jerry Thomas)以前可能是我的精神调酒师,但我认为马克·阿克曼(Mart Ackerman)可能会代替他。而且,如果有多伦多的调酒师正在寻找一个弹出式想法,我可以建议Mart Ackerman Saloon弹出窗口。我将从Omar Pasha鸡尾酒开始,谢谢。您可以在线查看完整菜单纽约公共图书馆